Thursday, August 29, 2013

Top 5 Most Amazing Scenes in Movies

I love movies that inspire, challenge and motivate. I have a strong memhory for the scenes that really knocked me out. Here is a list of my favorites.

1. The Abyss - Ed Harris purposely allows Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio to drown then revives her on the other side of the water. I have never been able to forget how I felt when I watched that for the first time. What an idea, What a concept! What great actors!

2. Rocky - Running through Philly to the top of the court steps. This is a movie that has defined my life. I have always felt connected to Rocky and his underdog challenge. I run 3 times a week and always finish my run with Gonna Fly Now!

3. Matrix - Taking the red pill and busting out of the hive. A life changing scene to which my lovely ex-wife responded “it’s kinda stupid!” ?????? I’ve come to believe that the only sense in this world is that we indeed are living in a computer simulation.

4. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: When Hagrid busts Harry out of the house on the island. This was my introduction to the series. I turned on the TV one night somewhere in the early 2000’s and found myself watching the first HP movie. Within a few minutes I realized that I was very interested and then Hagrid knocked down the door. Don’t ever doubt that Harry Potter holds the answers to most of life’s questions.

5. Shawshank Redemption - When Warden Norton figures out how Andy escaped. What can I say? Every human being is required to watch this movie before they die. Watching the Warden lose his shit as he realizes he has been outwitted by Andy is just too much. But don’t short change yourself. Watch the movie from A to Z. You will see why it is the most popular movie ever. (See IMDB).

Live Free or Die. . . . . and watch these movies if you missed them. JohnnyOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Top 5 Live Albums of All Time

Music is a huge part of my life and live music is one of my favorite pastimes. I was the youngest of four kids and I was lucky to have two older sisters and an older brother who possessed huge record collections. Luckily, my siblings liked great bands like The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Carole King and the list could go on for pages. However, I can still remember the first live album I really got the bug for: ZZTop Fandango. Side two of the LP was studio recordings, but side one opened up with ZZTop playing three songs live. The album doesn’t make my top 5 list because the recording wasn’t very good and you can’t hear the interaction between the crowd and the band. But it lit a fire for my love of live music.

The best part of writing my top5 lists is that I know well that my choices are never the final word. Music is art and a love, not a competition or a science. Send me your favorite lists and I’ll listen up. Who knows, maybe I’ll be switching up my list.

1. Frampton Comes Alive - Recorded while the man was still a relative unknown, Frampton interacts with the audience and does the best job of capturing the feel of a live show. If these songs were not overplayed on radio, they’d all be eternal classics. Best moment: when the fireworks go off during the acoustic set and Peter doesn’t miss a beat.

2. Harry Chapin: Live - Nobody did a story song like Harry and he had the good sense to hire 100% top notch musicians who knew when to let loose and when to let the man be a star. Best moment: “Watertown NY, I spent a week there one afternoon”

3. Deep Purple: Made In Japan - IMO hands down the greatest and most technically awesome Blues-Rock band. These guys obviously saved the drinking and entertainment for after the work was finished. Ian Gillian is arguably the greatest true singer/howler ever to sing in rock. Ian Paice and Glover were absolutely rock solid, Blackmore freakily moody and Lord defined an organ sound that lives on today in every $200.00 keyboard. Best Moment: Gillian’s higher and higher scream/howls just before Lazy. Each note delivered in perfect pitch.

4. Johnny Cash Live at Folsum Prison. Perhaps the most amazing live record ever recorded. Johnny is funny, eloquent, a little sad and really enjoys playing for these convicts. Check out the spare stage and minimal amplifiers. It’s so amazingly cool and old school. Best moment: When Johnny plays Folsum Prison Blues. You just got to hear it.

5. Allman Brothers at the Fillmore East. A masterpiece of 70’s blues and rock mixed with a lot of weed and who knows what else. The Allman Brothers look like a bunch of bank robbing hoodlums and sound like a blues band made in heaven. This album was recorded before Duane died and before Gregg fell into the bottle of pills. Best moment: the last two chorus’s of Whipping Post. Makes you remember that Duane really was a genius, Butch was the most solid bassist ever and Gregg knew what he was talking about.

Rock On and Live Free or Die my friends. . . and send me your favorite live album list.